Local taxes Professional guide Hotel pickup and drop-off Transport by private vehicle
Tip or gratuity
Food and drinks Gratuities
tenga en cuenta
Wheelchair accessible
Wheelchair accessible
Not stroller accessible
Not suitable for pets
No public transportation nearby
Infants must not sit on laps
Infant seats unavailable
Not wheelchair accessible
Dress code is smart casual
May be operated by a multi-lingual guide
The duration of transfers are approximate, the exact duration will depend on the time of day and traffic conditions
• Dress code is smart casual
• Comfortable walking shoes are recommended
• If you will not be arriving at your destination within the specified reconfirmation period, please reconfirm with the local service provider prior to travel, or upon arrival at your destination. Please note that departure times and locations may vary slightly.
• The duration of transfers are approximate, the exact duration will depend on the time of day and traffic conditions
Valid from the time of first use, for the duration selected.
Hotel pickups commence prior to this time
Pick up at your AirBnB also, please provide full address with building name and apartment number.